Fig. 2. (A∼C) ADSCs viability evaluation after cultured with different differentiation medium for 1 to 3 days. (A) Live-Dead cell staining analysis and Alamar blue staining on 1 and 3 days. (B) Fluorescence quantitative analysis of cell proliferation. (C) Proportion analysis of Live-Dead cells. (D, E) Cell viability was assessed by MTT. (F) Selection of the optimum concentration of hydrogen. (G, H) The analysis of mitochondrial staining. (G) Fluorescent staining of mitochondria by Mito-tracker. (H) Quantitative analysis of fluorescence intensity of single cell mitochondria. All experiments were performed in triplicate (*p<0.05, **p<0.01).
© 2022 International Journal of Stem Cells