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Fig. 3. Analysis of means and heterogeneity of GSH levels in the whole-cellular and mitochondria of hBM-MSCs. (a∼c) hBM-MSCs from different passages P4 and P9 were stained with FreSHtracer or MitoFreSHtracer and analyzed using flow cytometry. Flow cytometric analysis of the FR levels (F510/F580 ratio) from FreSHtracer (left) andMitoFreSHtracer (right) in P4 and P9 hBM-MSCs (a). The mean (b) and robust coefficient of variation (rCV, c) values plotted based on the FR levels. cCV is assumed as heterogeneity of the FR levels. Error bars represent means±SEM. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
International Journal of Stem Cells 2023;16:356-62
© 2023 International Journal of Stem Cells