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Fig. 3. Neural precursor cell specifications are similarly induced in various human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). (A) Neural rosettes were ide-ntified according to rosette markers such as PAX6 and ZO-1. (B) Repre-sentative images indicating the spherical neural mass markers NESTIN and SOX2. (C) After single cell dissocia-tion of neural precursor cells, the left panel also reveals the neural precu-rsor cell markers NESTIN and SOX2. The right panel presents the quantified data from the left panel. Scale bar=50 μm. hESC: human embryonic stem cell, hiPSC: human induced pluripotent stem cell, Homo-SCNT-hESC: homozygous somatic cell nuclear transfer-hESC.
International Journal of Stem Cells 2024;17:59-69
© 2023 International Journal of Stem Cells