Table. 2.

Examples of gene regulation using CRISPRa/i system

CRISPR system Delivery method Type of cells Target Reference
Strategy CRISPR type Gene Differentiation
CRISPRa CRISPRi dCas9-VP64 dCas9-KRAB Lentivirus ESCs SOX17 OCT4 - (79)
CRISPRa dCas9-SAM Lentivirus MSCs PPARG, CEBPAP PARG, CEBPA, PRDM16 White adipocyte-like cells Beige adipocyte-like cells (111)
CRISPRa dCas9-VP64 dCas9-VPR Lentivirus iPSCs NEUROG2, NEUROD1 Neuronal cells (68)

CRISPRa/i: clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats activation/interference, ESCs: embryonic stem cells, MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells, iPSCs: induced pluripotent stem cells.

International Journal of Stem Cells 2024;17:1-14
© 2023 International Journal of Stem Cells