Table. 1.

Comparison of expansion methods

EPC expansion method Effectiveness of method
1. High density (26×105 cells/cm2) culture of rat bone marrow cells Higher levels of marker expression of EPCs
Increased release of pro-angiogenic growth factors
2. Microgravity through nitric oxide induced activation of FAK/Erk1/2-MAPK signaling pathway Facilitated the proliferation and angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Enhanced angiogenic properties of EPCs
3. hiPSCs produce CD34+ EPCs Positive expression of CD31, high VEGF-A and angiopoietin-1
Regeneration of injured tissue
4. Quality and quantity-control culture of MNCs Increased the quality and quantity of EPCs
Reduces the culture time
Improves differentiation of PBMNCs to hematopoietic stem cells
5. Long term culture of rat adipose derived stem cells Numbers of EPCs increases
Expression of VEGFR-2

EPC: endothelial progenitor cell, hiPSCs: human induced pluripotent stem cells, MNCs: mononuclear cells, VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor, PBMNCs: peripheral blood MNCs.

International Journal of Stem Cells 2024;17:374-80
© 2023 International Journal of Stem Cells