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Establishing Three-Dimensional Explant Culture of Human Dental Pulp Tissue
International Journal of Stem Cells 2024;17:330-336
Published online August 30, 2024;  
© 2024 Korean Society for Stem Cell Research.

Eun Jin Seo1,2,*, Soyoung Park1,3,4,*, Eungyung Lee1,3,4, Yang Hoon Huh5, Ye Eun Ha2, Gabor J. Tigyi6, Taesung Jeong1,3,4, Il Ho Jang1,2, Jonghyun Shin1,3,4

1Dental and Life Science Institute, School of Dentisty, Pusan National University, Yangsan, Korea
2Tissue Regeneration Laboratory, StemDen Co., Ltd., Yangsan, Korea
3Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Yangsan, Korea
4Dental Research Institute, Pusan National University Dental Hospital, Yangsan, Korea
5Center for Electron Microscopy Research, Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang, Korea
6Department of Physiology, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA
Correspondence to: Jonghyun Shin
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Pusan National University Dental Hospital, Dental and Life Science Institute, School of Dentisty, Pusan National University, 20 Geumo-ro Mulgeum-eup, Yangsan 50612, Korea

*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received June 30, 2023; Revised April 3, 2024; Accepted April 15, 2024.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Mesenchymal stem cells in the dental tissue indicate a disposition for differentiation into diverse dental lineages and contain enormous potential as the important means for regenerative medicine in dentistry. Among various dental tissues, the dental pulp contains stem cells, progenitor cells and odontoblasts for maintaining dentin homeostasis. The conventional culture of stem cells holds a limit as the living tissue constitutes the three-dimensional (3D) structure. Recent development in the organoid cultures have successfully recapitulated 3D structure and advanced to the assembling of different types. In the current study, the protocol for 3D explant culture of the human dental pulp tissue has been established by adopting the organoid culture. After isolating dental pulp from human tooth, the intact tissue was placed between two layers for Matrigel with addition of the culture medium. The reticular outgrowth of pre-odontoblast layer continued for a month and the random accumulation of dentin was observed near the end. Electron microscopy showed the cellular organization and in situ development of dentin, and immunohistochemistry exhibited the expression of odontoblast and stem cell markers in the outgrowth area. Three-dimensional explant culture of human dental pulp will provide a novel platform for understanding stem cell biology inside the tooth and developing the regenerative medicine.
Keywords : Dental pulp stem cells; Explant culture; Odontoblasts; Cell culture techniques, three dimensional; Dental pulp stem cells

Enamel, dentin, and dental pulp compose the majority of the tooth structure (1). Enamel, which is the outer covering of tooth crowns and protects teeth from external factors such as temperature and pressure, does not regenerate once damaged (2). Dentin is located underneath the enamel and occupies a considerable portion of the tooth volume (3). Dental pulp is the innermost tissue like bone marrow inside the bone and protected by dentin. Unlike bone, the presence of dentinal tubules, numerous tracks perpendicular to pulp, cause the tooth sensitivity as they become the passage to the outside environment (4). Dental pulp contains numerous nerves and blood vessels and harbors dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), which differentiate to dentin-generating odontoblasts and hold a key in dentin regeneration (5).

Dental pulp can be divided into four different zones. The first is the odontoblast layer at the interface of pulp and dentin, where odontoblasts extend a process into dentinal. The second is the cell-free zone, which is located at the lower part of the odontoblast layer and lacks cells. The third is the cell-rich zone, which is a region with high density of cells, such as fibroblast, undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells and immune cells. The fourth is the pulp core consists of the central nerves and blood vessels with many cells very similar to the cell-rich zone. Dental pulp provides moisture and nutrition for nonvascular dentin, invokes pain in response to extreme external temperature and pressure, and produces dentin by odontoblast.

The pulp-dentin complex has a very dynamic structure that responds to damage and infection with regeneration (6, 7). In damage repair, DPSCs, undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells in the pulp, must be differentiated into odontoblasts (8, 9). Odontoblasts produce collagen and proteoglycans to build up predeintin and secrete calcium phosphates, which mineralize predentin to dentin (10, 11). Due to the complex structure of tooth, the mechanism of damage response and regeneration remains unclear. The damaged dentin-pulp complex can be regenerated by DPSCs, and the differentiation to odontoblast and dentin formation requires growth factors, such as transforming growth factor-β and bone morphogenetic protein, and Wnt signaling (6). DPSCs can be obtained from the third molar or the supernumerary tooth but the differentiation potency diminishes during the conventional two-dimensional (2D) culture (12).

In the present study, three-dimensional (3D) culture method for the intact pulp tissue was developed by adopting organoid culture technology (13). The 3D culture method using the extracellular matrix provides the biological environment superior to 2D culture, which limits cell growth by contact inhibition and destroys physiological accumulations due to frequent passaging (14, 15). In addition, 3D culture enhances the differentiation potency of stem cells (16). In the current study, we show that 3D explant culture of dental pulp tissue exhibited the extended stem cell activity with reticular outgrowth of pre-odontoblasts. Spontaneous and partial accumulation of dentin was observed in the prolonged culture. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis showed the dentinal tubule structures and the interface of predentin and mineralized dentin. These results suggest that 3D explant culture of dental pulp tissue may provide a novel platform to study the biology of pulp-dentin complex and screen new drugs for regenerative dentistry.

Materials and Methods

Isolation of dental pulp and establishing 3D culture system

Human dental pulps were isolated from 8 donors of 6∼15 years old of children’s supernumerary teeth according to the protocol approved by Pusan National University Dental Hospital’s Institutional Review Board (IRB No. PNUDH-2020-003) for the experiments involving human tissue. All donors or their guardians gave their informed consent. The isolated supernumerary teeth were washed twice with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and split half with a hammer and forceps, followed by a gentle retrieval of the intact pulp tissue. The firm grip on the tooth when striking it with a hammer was important. Pulp tissues were cultured using a modified sandwich culture method without DPSCs isolation (17, 18). Briefly, freshly separated pulp tissue was placed on pre-coated 48-well plate (Cat No. 30048; SPL Life Sciences) using 75 μL 50% Matrigel (Cat No. 354230, GFR Matrigel; Corning Life Sciences) and sandwiched with 200 μL of 25% Matrigel to form the upper layer, in which pulp tissue was eventually submerged. Matrigel was diluted with StemMACS MSC Expansion Media Kit XF (Xeno-Free) (Cat No. 130-104-182; Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG) containing 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 μg/mL streptomycin. StemMACS medium 800 μL was added on top of the solidified Matrigel and replaced every three day.

H&E staining

Three-dimensional explant cultures of human dental pulp tissue were harvested using cold PBS and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (Cat No. PC2205-100-74; Biosesang) at 4℃ for 24 hours. The fixed tissue was embedded into a paraffin block and sectioned into 5 μm thick slices using a microtome (Leica RM2255; Leica Biosystems). The section samples were deparaffinized and stained with H&E (Cat No. ab245880; Abcam) for histological observation. Staining images were obtained with an EVOS FL Auto2 Imaging System (Thermo Fisher Scientific).


Three-dimensional explant cultures of human dental pulp tissues were examined at the Korea Basic Science Institute’s Electron Microscopy Research Center for ultrastructural investigation according to the standard procedure. Samples were fixed immediately in 2% glutaralde-hyde and 2% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 4℃ for 2 hours. Following three washes in phosphate buffer, the tissues were post-fixed with 1% osmium tetroxide on ice for 2 hours and washed three times, all in phosphate buffer. Samples were then embedded in pure epon 812 mixture after dehydration in ethanol and following infiltration in a mixture of propylene oxide and epon. Polymerization was conducted with pure resin at 70℃ for 24 hours. Sections were obtained with a model MT-X ultramicrotome (RMC) and collected on 100 mesh copper grids. After staining with 2% uranyl acetate and lead citrate, the sections were visualized by cryogenic TEM (JEM-1400 Plus, 120kV; JEOL).

Immunofluorescence staining

Three-dimensional explant culture of human dental pulp tissues were washed with PBS and fixed with pre-warmed 4% paraformaldehyde at room temperature (RT) for 15 minutes. These samples were placed in an embedding medium (Tissue-Tek; Sakura Finetek USA, Inc.) and sections were prepared with a cryostat (thickness: 5 μm). Fixed samples were then incubated for 30 minutes at RT in 0.1 M PBS blocking buffer containing 1% bovine serum albumin and 0.1% Triton X-100. The samples were then washed and incubated with anti-CD45 antibody (100 μg/mL, Cat No. ab10558; Abcam), anti-CD31 antibody (0.5 μg/mL, Cat No. 102402; BioLegend), anti-Nestin antibody (200 μg/mL, Cat No. sc-23927; Santa Cruz Biotechnology), anti-PHEX antibody (100 μg/mL, Cat No. orb158144; Biorbyt), anti-Osterix antibody (0.2 mg/mL, Cat No. sc-393325; Santa Cruz Biotechnology), anti-DMP1 antibody (200 μg/mL, Cat No. sc-73633, Santa Cruz Biotechnology), or anti-LGR5 antibody (1 mg/mL, Cat No. ab75732; Abcam) overnight at 4℃. For immunofluorescence, samples were incubated with secondary antibody conjugated with Alexa Fluor 568 (2 mg/mL, Cat No. A-11004; Thermo Fisher Scie-ntific) or Alexa Fluor 488 (2 mg/mL, Cat No. A-11008, Thermo Fisher Scientific) at RT for 1 hour. Samples were washed with 0.1 M PBS blocking buffer and incubated in 0.1 μg/mL 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) for 10 minutes. Images were taken with an EVOS FL Auto2 Imaging System. The number of immunostained cells for Nestin and LGR5 measured manually by an unbiased observer using ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health,


Establishing 3D explant culture of human dental pulp tissue

Three-dimensional culture of intact tissue can provide the advantage in understanding the biology of damage repair. Intact dental pulp tissues were isolated from supernumerary teeth of juvenile patients after hammer cracking and placed between 50% (lower) and 25% (upper) Matrigel with addition of xeno-free maintenance media on the top (Fig. 1A, 1B). Cellular outgrowth was observed from the outermost odontoblast area (Fig. 1C, Supplementary Fig. 1, Supplementary Video 1). Outgrowth layer was easily observable with brightfield microscope as pulp tissue was shown dark. Depending on the quality of pulp tissue, outgrowth was random or homogenous and continued to extend for a month but tended to wither after a month. Occasional accumulation of dentin was observed near the end of one month culture (Fig. 1D). These results suggest that 3D explant culture of human dental pulp tissue was established for the monitoring odontoblast outgrowth and dentin formation.

Figure 1. Isolating dental pulp and establishing three-dimensional (3D) explant culture. (A) Schematic representation of 3D explant culture is shown. The intact pulp tissue was retrieved after cracking tooth with hammer and placed between 25% and 50% Matrigel. Dental pulp was eventually submerged in 25% Matrigel with addition of medium on the top (XF medium: xeno-free StemMACS MSC Expansion Media Kit XF). (B) The intact pulp was taken from supernumerary tooth and subjected to 3D culture. Cone-beam computed tomography scan and stepwise procedures are shown (EC: explant culture). (C) Representative phase contrast image (left, scale bar=1,000 μm) and H&E staining image 10× (right) of 3D explant culture of human dental pulp tissue are shown. Preexisting pulp is shown dark in the phase contrast and the outgrowth area is identified at the periphery. (D) Occasional accumulation of partial dentin on the surface of 3D explant culture is detected after 4 weeks.

Analyzing 3D explant culture with TEM

To understand cellular and molecular biology, 3D explant culture of human dental pulp tissue was subjected to TEM analysis. In the pulp cores, not many cells were detected except a few pulp cells and deposition of collagen matrix (Fig. 2A). In the pre-odontoblast area where reticular outgrowth of cells from odontoblast layer extended, frequent junctions of two or three cells with polarized location of nucleus were easily observed (Fig. 2B). Inside pre-odontoblasts, vast expansion of presumable lumen of endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus surrounded mitochondria with thin cytoplasm, which indicated the status of cells prior to process extension. In the area of mineral deposition, von Korff fibers, which can be found between odontoblasts and dentin and the first sign of dentin formation in the developing tooth, were detected along with secretory granules, which may contain calcium (Fig. 2C). In addition, the cross section of dentin revealed dentinal tubules and the boundary of predentin and deintin. These results indicate that outgrow cells are pre-odontoblasts, though the reticular growth could be in vitro artifact, and the orthodentin formation can be monitored in 3D explant culture of dental pulp tissue.

Figure 2. Analyzing three-dimensional (3D) explant culture with transmission electron microscope. Human dental pulp tissues in 4-week 3D explant culture were subjected to transmission electron microscope analysis. (A) Pulp core showed little cellular content and mostly extracellular matrix. (B) Outgrowth area showed the reticular arrangement of cells with adjoining of two or three pre-odontoblasts, which exhibited maturation of endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi. (C) Mineral deposit area showed the de novo generation of pre-detin and dentin with accumulation of von Korff fibers and secretory granules.

Evaluating marker expressions in the outgrowth cells

To characterize the outgrowth cells, 3D explant culture were subjected to immunohistochemistry analysis after 2-week culture. When the boundary of the preexisting pulp and the newly-formed outgrowth area were analyzed, cells in the dental pulp mostly migrated toward the boundary according to DAPI staining. Cells inside the pulp and in the outgrowth area were negative for hematopoietic marker CD45 or endothelial marker CD31 (Fig. 3). Cells near the boundary were positive for stem cell marker Nestin and odontoblast markers such as PHEX and DMP1 with the stronger expression of PHEX and DMP1 in the outgrowth area. Osterix expression, which is necessary for the differentiation of preosteoblasts to osteoblasts, was mostly observed at the leading edge of the outgrowth area. DPSCs cultures with the conventional 2D method did not show the expression of CD31, PHEX, LGR5, Ostreix or DMP-1, except Nestin (Supplementary Fig. 2). When Nestin was co-stained with LGR5, the regulator of Wnt signaling, double-positive cells were detected in the outgrowth area (Fig. 4A). Among DAPI-positive cells, Nestin-positive cells were 34.8%, LGR5-positive cells were 38.3%, and the double-positive cells were 18.7% (Fig. 4B). These results suggest that 3D explant culture of human dental pulp tissue provides the platform for the study of outgrowing odontoblasts.

Figure 3. Immunofluorescence staining of three-dimensional explant culture of human dental pulp tissue. After 2-week culture, dental pulp explants were subjected to cryosectioning and immunostaining analysis. Fluorescence images with antibodies against hematopoietic marker (CD45), endothelial marker (CD31), stem cell marker (Nestin) and odontoblast markers (PHEX, Osterix, DMP1) are shown along with overlay of phase contract images. Nucleus was stained with 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Scale bars are indicated in the figure. Od: odontoblast arear, P: pulp area.
Figure 4. Dual immunofluorescence staining of three-dimensional explant culture of human dental pulp tissue. (A) 2-week culture of dental pulp explant was subjected to cryosectioning and immunostaining with antibodies against Nestin (green) and LGR5 (red) along with overlay of phase contrast image. Nucleus was stained with 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Scale bar=200 μm. O: odontoblast arear, P: pulp area, BF: bright field. (B) Nestin-positive, LGR5-positive, and double-positive cells among DAPI-positive cells were quantified.

DPSCs are an important source of mesenchymal stem cells that can be easily obtained from human tissue compared with other types of adult stem cells. However, the mechanism of differentiation and the utility have not been fully exploited. Dentin and pulp complexes have a connective response to environmental stimulation. The odontoblastic differentiation of DPSCs is essential for successful pulp-dentin regeneration (19). Recent studies demonstrated that 2D culture resulted in physiologically deficient cells due to the lack of extracellular matrix (20). Here we developed 3D explant culture of dental pulp tissue after isolation from human tooth.

The intact pulp tissue was placed on 50% Matrigel and submerged in 25% Matrigel with addition of maintenance medium on the top. Without passaging, 3D explant cultures were maintained for a month and reticular outgrowth of cells were observed. TEM analysis showed that outgrowth cells, which could be pre-odontoblasts prior to process extension, showed the polarized location of nucleus and the mitochondria with thin cytoplasm surrounded by presumable lumen of endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus. Immunostaining of outgrowth cells showed the expression of stem cell markers, such as Nestin and LGR5, and odontoblast markers, such as PHEX, DMP1 and Osterix. Though random, spontaneous accumulation of mineral was observed on dental pulp tissue in the long term culture. TEM analysis revealed dentinal tubules with interface of predentin and dentin. In addition, the presence of von Korff fibers, the first sign of dentin formation, indicated in situ development of dentin in 3D explant culture of dental pulp.

In the study of stem cells and tissue regeneration, 3D cultures using ECM have proven the superiority in understanding the real biology and the utility for novel drug development. Though 3D explant culture of dental pulp provides the advantage over 2D cell culture, there are limitations to overcome to be a popular research and drug screening platform. The current 3D culture tends to crash after a month probably due to a slowdown of cell proliferation, which necessitates the further optimization of medium. The random characters of reticular outgrowth and dentin deposition are additional hurdles. However, the establishment of stable baseline culture and the transition from maintenance to dentinogenic culture will deliver the unprece-dented platform in the research of regenerative dentistry.

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary data including two figures and one video can be found with this article online at

Supplementary Video 1. Z-stack images of three-dimensional explant culture of human dental pulp tissue. (Video 1-1) Pre-existing pulp area is shown dark and new outgrowth area is shown bright. (Video 1-2) Reticular outgrowth area is shown.

Potential Conflict of Interest

Eun Jin Seo, Gabor J. Tigyi, and Il Ho Jang are founders of STEMDEN Co., Ltd. Ye Eun Ha is the employee of STEMDEN Co., Ltd. Otherwise, there is no potential conflict of interest to declare.

Authors’ Contribution

Conceptualization: EJS, SP, IHJ, JS. Data curation: EJS, IHJ. Formal analysis: EJS, YEH. Funding acquisition: IHJ, JS. Investigation: EJS, SP. Methodology: EJS, YHH. Project administration: TJ. Resources: SP, EL. Supervision: TJ, GJT. Validation: SP, EL. Visualization: YHH, YEH. Writing – original draft: EJS, SP, IHJ, JS. Writing – review and editing: GJT, IHJ. JS.


This study was supported by Dental Research Institute (PNUDHDRI-2020-05), Pusan National University Dental Hospital.

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November 2024, 17 (4)